Data consumers ============== Build-in data consumers ----------------------- Console Exec ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Call exec for each item in the stack the log the output using the defined method. Config options: * **exec_log_method** The method to use to log the exec output, available values are * *syslog* Log in syslog * *file* Log in file * *none* do not log * **exec_log_file** The path to the log file to use if log method is *file* MySQL Insert ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The StackIt\Processor\Mysql\Insert provider perform an insert for each data in the stack Dependances: * MySQL database Config options: * **mysql_server** The MySQL server host * **mysql_username** The MySQL username * **mysql_password** The MySQL password * **mysql_database** The database to use * **mysql_insert_table** The table where insert the data * **mysql_insert_columns** A coma separated list of columns name Sample config:: mysql_server=locahost mysql_username=foo mysql_password=bar mysql_database=mydb mysql_insert_table=order_log mysql_insert_columns=customer_id,order_amount,order_date MySQL MassInsert ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The StackIt\Processor\MySQL\MassInsert provider will use the same config entries than the StackIt\Processor\MySQL\Insert but all the stacked data will be inserted in one query. PostgreSQL Insert ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The StackIt\Processor\PostgreSQL\Insert processor perform an insert query for each data in the stack Dependances: * PostgreSQL database Config options: * **pg_conn_str** The PostgreSQL connection string * **pg_insert_table** The table where insert the stacked data * **pg_insert_columns** The table columns Config sample:: pg_conn_str="dbname=dbtest" pg_insert_table="order_log" pg_insert_columns="customer_id,order_amount,order_date" PostgreSQL copyFromStdin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The StackIt\Processor\PostgreSQL\CopyFromStdin will store the stacked data in a PostgreSQL database using a "copy from stdin" method rather than many inserts. Config options: * **pg_conn_str** The PostgreSQL connection string * **pg_insert_table** The table where insert the stacked data * **pg_insert_columns** The table columns Config sample:: pg_conn_str="dbname=dbtest" pg_insert_table="order_log" pg_insert_columns="customer_id,order_amount,order_date"